畅谈透过设计引领城市与文化 “传承 ·发展 · 共荣” | 深度专访澳派景观设计工作室总监 Stephen Buckle
阅读:9756 2019-02-01






ASPECT Studios Landscape Design / City Design / People-oriented Design



《AR WEEKLY》 is related to the multiple attitudes that exist objectively in the city, architectural culture industry, brand story, and design perspective. Through dialogue, based on the resources of past media savings, through further refinement and integration of content core views in a more professional media identity, we try to divest past stereotypes, let people convey brand stories, re-establish brand image or lead the industry trend.

ASPECT Studios(澳派景观设计工作室)是一支来自澳大利亚的国际设计个公司,众多的奖项不仅仅是他们优秀作品的证明,更是对都市空间和景观设计理念的肯定。坚持以人为本的可持续发展生态设计是澳派在设计中的重点和根本原则,力求为每个项目找到一个经济利益、生态环境与社会效益的平衡点。服务范围广泛的澳派追求的是挑战传统、超越业主的期待。本期我们特邀ASPECT Studios(澳派景观设计工作室),上海工作室总监Stephen Buckle分享他对当前景观设计现状及面临的挑战,了解澳派在中国过去十余年的故事以及对未来的展望。

ASPECT Studios is a multiple award winning international design company with its origins in Australia. The number of awards received are not only proof of their outstanding works, but also affirmation of their approach and thinking of landscape and urban spatial concepts. Adhering to the people-oriented, sustainable ecological design as the key  fundamental principle of the design of the Australian landscape, ASPECT Studios strive to find a balance between economic, environmental and social factors for each project. The wide range of ASPECT Studios’ projects strive to challenge the norm and reach beyond the expectations of clients. In this issue we invite Stephen Buckle, Studio Director of ASPECT Studios (Shanghai), to an in-depth interview to learn about his views on current day landscape design challenges and focal point, ASPECT Studios ten year milestone in China and his prospective future of the industry.

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01.ARCHINA: ASPECT Studios has been established over 10 years in China, you are in your 5th year leading the design and development of the Shanghai Studio, as studio director. So, what is it that drew you to ASPECT Studios, and why do you choose to join the company? 


ASPECT Studios has a great reputation both internationally and across China, with many projects gaining international acclaim and recognition. For myself, ASPECT Studios provided a real studio; non-corporate design focused and design led environment with a platform that supports collective and individual creativity. There is opportunity for each individual to express themselves through design and to be part of a bigger group that shares an aligned vision and purpose. I found that ASPECT Studios and the leadership team I joined shared the same values, vision, passion, and drive for developing urban spaces that respond in a balanced innovative way to both human and environmental needs and challenges. It was a perfect fit for me and gave the opportunity to bring my years knowledge and experience to a creative, learning and exploratory studio.   ASPECT Studios is a great platform for our staff. Each of our team members have the opportunity to develop their skills and to express themselves individually and collectively.

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△工作状态下的Stephen Buckle

△ Stephen Buckleunder working condition


02.ARCHINA:Do you think any special aspects of ASPECT Studios compared with other landscape design firms? 


There are many other reputable and talented landscape design firms in the world, some of which who’s work I have admired over the years.  I think one of the things that is unique to ASPECT Studios is while we have multiple studios globally, we retain the studio culture within the way we operate and the work we do. As a lot of companies have multiple disciplines, like urban design, architecture, interior and landscape. We are particularly focused on the profession of landscape architecture as the basis of our thought process and approach to all our design work, letting the site, environment and culture be the starting point of each project’s journey. Within each commission we apply principles that are heavily focused on the human experience and interactions with each other, creating social spaces but with the environment to ensure sustainable solutions. The kind of place and design solutions we generate are people-oriented spaces that people can engage with and give them fond memories.

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△ASPECT Studios上海工作室

△ASPECT Studios-Shanghai Office


03.ARCHINA:Looking back on the development of ASPECT Studios in China. As we know, many excellent projects have been built up. Could you share with us how you think the roadmap of the development of ASPECT Studios in China in your point of view ?

25年前,澳派创始人 Chris Razzell 先生创立了澳派景观设计工作室, 13年前在中国深圳成立了澳派的中国事务所,之后公司迁移到了上海。可以说我们初期做的一些项目为我们后期的发展打下了很好的基础,让我能够在过去的五年中将公司发展壮大。一些标志性项目在今天依然还被认可,例如万科重庆西九广场和广州西塔这样的项目。这些实践经历为我们的市场奠定了很好的基础,给中国的景观项目带来新鲜的活力与生机, 这也使我们有别于其他设计公司,能更好的致力于做出更有针对性的创新设计。


Chris Razzell founded ASPECT Studios in Melbourne over 25 years ago. He had commenced working in Shenzhen China over 13 years ago and, shortly after relocating to Shanghai. I think the work that was done in the early days created the strong foundation for our current recognition - a foundation has provided me the opportunity to build upon and grow over the last 5 years. Some of the signature projects from the early days are still well referenced and recognized today. Still holding strong, our projects in Chongqing and Guangzhou, really set the foundation for the unique and recognizable type of design we bring to the Chinese market. Our designs can bring a fresh, engaging and dynamic energy to the general landscape offerings in China which we believe differentiates us from the general pack. We want to bring a fresh look and a more targeted approach to the resulting urban environments we touch.

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△Xijiu Plaza Vanke Chongqing

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△West Tower Guangzhou


04.ARCHINA:In terms of design, there are different opinions between landscape and architecture. How do you understand and explain the relationship between landscape, architecture and urban planning? 


Landscape is always right (Stephen jokes), no I appreciate the importance and value each discipline bring to a project and the role each needs to play. I think one of the important factors that our profession brings is a design perspective dealing with things from a strategic level to the minute detail.  An appreciation and sensitivity of the earth that we inhabit and the environment in which we live, to the cities and cultures and contexts that influence and guide our design. Nothing we do is in isolation. Every aspect of landscape and landscape urbanism deals with connections and interfaces, from cultural to construction. Often, architecture alone can become focused on the boundaries of the site and the mass, form, gesture, function, elevation and the facades of the built form. Our role as landscape architects is be the connection. We are the ‘Glue’ within a city what grounds and connects each building, space and tree to everything else. Landscape connects to all multiple different components, and as such has a leading role to play in the creation of a successful urban environment.


05.ARCHINA:How do you see the relationship between urban landscape and urban development in terms of urban development and economy? 


I think it's essential. With the massive urbanization growth that's going on, particularly in China, the combination of well-planned urban development and stimulating the economy is fundamental. And you'll see it as the roadmap for future cities. Historically rivers were the connectors, and towns and villages naturally appeared and grew at the networks of these rivers. Now they have become the centers cultural and economic exchange - what started in the past as small villages, towns are now the mega cities of today.

如今的都市丛林里,交通与基础设施取代了河流,组成了纵横交错的连接网。公路、铁路和地铁如江河一般在每座城市内部串联起新的活力。 所以我们在公路、地铁和火车站的周边将这些交通枢纽相互连接,它们是未来城市的重要组成部分,是城市中重要的新区域节点。在这个节点基础上很重要的一点是我们会非常注重复合功能的使用发展。未来,这里的住宅、零售、购物中心、办公室等空间都会是独立又复合的,通过不同的组合为城市带来源源不断的活力。因此,我们所注重的不是个体功能而是复合功能,这些功能的实现都是深深植根于生活方式的理念,人们如何生活,不同类型的人需要怎样的空间,而空间又需要如何回应这些人?一天中的不同时间,一周中的不同时间,一年中的不同时间,对于不同的年龄组,是需要通过项目的全生命周期不同组合来展示的。

Today, within cities these connections are built in similar ways. But rather than rivers, transport and infrastructure now form these networks. Areas where we have roads, rail and metro connections are now the modern day riverbanks and have become the new vibrant hearts of exchange within each city.

Recognizing these and their role, and more importantly how to respond to them is an essential part of making balanced cities of the future. Complex mixed used and TOD developments by their nature respond to the diverse needs of these new district nodes. We had the opportunity to be involved in many of these specialist complex developments, focusing on the mixed-use philosophies. They are key to the economic success of an area, and it’s our role to ensure that we balance this with the social, cultural and environmental success as well. Multi programmed, cohabiting mixed-use projects create vibrancy and energy to the urban environment. Our design is not so much focused on the individual functionality but the collective multi-functionality which grows deeply from the idea of accommodating to diverse lifestyles. People need to use space –  to live, work and play at different times of the day, the week, the year and across all age groups. The space respond to people’s needs over commercial needs.


And it's that vibrancy and focus on people, which generates the hustle and bustle that bring people together. In turn the result is an economic success with long term sustained developments.

It isn't just about creating a beautiful statement or a visual object. And it’s certainly not about focusing on the how much people are expected to enjoy a view of a shop front or façade to support initial unit rentals. It’s about the collaborative connection between architecture, lifestyle, landscape, context, culture and a balance of humanistic experiences that all come together to bring that vibrancy, life and energy attracting people, engaging them to stay longer and bringing long term success.



06.ARCHINA:You strongly advocate "people-oriented design" as your design philosophy in your work. How do you understand and explain this concept? How do you make it reflect in your project?


So one of the processes we go through at the start of the project is to dig into the cultural aspects of a certain area, district, city or region. Each site, each project has its own people, these people have their own unique culture, and as such use and respond to space differently. Just like the numerous differences between cities in China's, North, South, east west cultures, individual cities cultures districts and so on. And it's important for us to really dig into that, not just only understanding of who, but to know what's going to engage with these people as  part of the design, so we will look at the demographic of different age groups, different ages of people, and different types of people and what they are doing in these spaces. And we use that like a road map to help this program and design, that functionally works.


Another aspect is to inspire to bring something new and unique into people's lives. Within our design process, we look to extract out some references or inspirations. It will give us a narrative to guide through the design process - something that will be that mechanism to move us away from doing what's been done before to something new and fresh. And that is what we try aspire to do on every project. Every project has its own story to tell. It's our role to make the story of each design to have authenticity, integrity relevance that connects with people in a meaningful way.

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△武汉金地· 中法仟佰汇

△One City Development Gemdale Wuhan

去年早些时候完成的“武汉金地· 中法仟佰汇”项目,就是一个关于文化传承、鼓舞人心的作品。场所通过开放空间与环境的相互交融,多维度绿化设计,塑造时尚与活力的城市客厅。在整个多维度设计中,关注当地文化,考虑人的需求,为人们创造一个成功的城市环境。客户与设计师都期望可以创造出成功的场所,在这个过程中需要有协商并找到平衡。客户需要有可用于商业活动的功能空间,我们就设计了一个多功能的更以社区为中心的空间。同时我们也为空间使用者们设计了一些小尺度的、更亲密的空间,以满足他们对多样化体验、规模、空间的需求。

The design framework of the One City Development Gemdale Wuhan, (recently completed earlier this year), was to create something that was both engaging and visually inspiring. But at the same time, we have many different elements pulling us in different directions. These relate to the culture of the space, the development and its people, not just what's famous in Wuhan, etcetera. It is about what the client wants to achieve and what we need to achieve as designers to facilitate a successful urban environment for the people. So, there's a balance and negotiations that goes on between the client, designer and our attempts to create a successful place. Upon reviewing the client's requirements for extensive functionality with some areas for big promotion, we developed a brief with a multifunctional, more community-focused space. Recognizing people’s need for more diversity of experience, scale and place, we developed smaller and more intimate areas to bring balance to the space.


Our role was to try and pull these together with an overlay that factors in a way that responds uniquely to some of the cultural elements. We used the narrative and idea of the phoenix in flight and a conceptual fluidity of energy throughout the site connecting a number of unique experience nodes and spaces. What was really important for us was to ensure that while unified, each node played with a different character, atmosphere and experience. From larger gathering spaces to the smallest spaces; to places where people can breakout informal meetings at lunchtime; to  places where it can be lively and vibrant and children can play. Bringing energy and life at the all times.



We used this multifunctional approach of using elements such as water play where the children in the summer months can cool down from the heat. They can be under the shade of the trees, get wet, have fun, bringing noise, sound and action. All the while parents are enjoying lunch or dinner, comfortable in the shade overlooking their children play. During the week that feature can takes on a new life, one that is of an elegant anserine. The water play becomes a reflective water feature and centerpiece to the commercial office environment. And you get this play between the multi-functionality allowing the space to work for all.

Within the design we developed a series of sweeping social seating walls. We deliberately positioned, formed and crafted each wall position and length to subconsciously guide the visitor’s movement and at the same time take people away from their smart phones and encourage real social exchange. The interplay between edges has been designed with the intent of bringing people physically closer together: encouraging social interaction, providing the opportunity to engage with their surroundings and create meaningful connections with each other.

It's a fun project. The thing I like most about designing in China is the fun that we have here in the studio developing and studying the design. It’s a far cry from the sterile, cold and analytical process. It's creative, funny and engaging process. Hopefully that’s what it comes to in the final designs.

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△武汉金地· 中法仟佰汇

△One City Development Gemdale Wuhan


07.ARCHINA:How do you get design inspiration from life and work?


I think it's a very personal journey but also a collective journey, one that I strive to install in our designs and everything we do. Contrary to local belief, it's not a marketing tool. The idea of inspiration is nothing to do with marketing, while it does and can have connections to it. For me it's a personal journey for each designer. We always engage with the location and culture were designing at the beginning of all of our projects by visiting the site and experience the cultures and the environments that we are designing in - areas that are relevant to that society, that community and use these influences to guide us through the design.  We look to try and find something that's a bit more unique or abstract that can be be used as a guide throughout the project. And it's important that it's not just just a movement or gesture. It has to be capable of influencing all decisions in the design, colors, finishes, textures, qualities, character and atmosphere of these areas. And we use those in a creative way to design something that strives to be unique -  create something that's not been experienced before.


It’s one of the fundamental processes that we go through. I like to think there are two initial journeys as I like to call it. The first journey is a very functional and thorough analysis of the site, its context, its function, how it needs to work, what are the nuts and bolts that we need to achieve? Scale, space, orientation, position, sunlight, wind, population - all these components are analyzed to make it successful and functional project. The second part of the journey is the more creative and maybe more artistic approach, where we will look at these as a narrative, with inspirations to help guide us to create a more unique landscape experience.


08.ARCHINA:Do you encounter some difficulties and challenges during the design and implementation of the project under the domestic industry stereotypes? How do you overcome these challenges?


It’s a good question. Designing in China is different than designing elsewhere in the world. The ability for the designer to truly control the quality of the design once it goes into the construction - the construction drawings phase, site inspection, the process of checking the quality of the underground construction as well as the materials and finishes is very different to the approach undertaken in the UK or in Australia, or even in the Middle East.


And that comes with challenges. There some things I have learned very early, like when I first came to China, eight or nine years ago, is that you need to bring that into your thought process when you're designing. You can't just bring the applications you considered elsewhere in the world and expect they'll be implemented correctly. Doing that helps form robust design that are buildable, using the materiality and the techniques of the building capability of the local market. That said it shouldn't hamper the creativity and the ongoing study and consideration of new technologies and materials.


We get into a design and we try and break things down and use some feasible construction techniques, but in a creative way to support a unique end result. So that's on the construction side. On the design side, there are challenges with some project processes. There are a lot of layers within client teams these days. Some of the larger clients have multiple layers from project manager to project director to landscape director to the CEO. And to be frank, a lot of these people think that they’re designer and will try to influence their ideas heavily into the design process. And we're quite blunt, okay, they employ us to undertake the design for the project. So quite often we’ll need to go to great lengths to communicate the rationale, logic and principles behind the design decisions we have made. And we’re not afraid to use the word “No” in meetings, when we'll be developing up some ideas. There's a lot of knowledge, information and background that comes from the different teams involved and it is important to welcome this into the collaborate process. I think collaboration is the most important part to resolve project challenges. Having early engagement with all consultants, contractors and suppliers provides tools and considerations that we need to be able to develop the design in the right direction. We find our clients often think they know what they want until we have completed the design process. That is when they can really see what a project could be, exceeding their initial expectations.  


But that's kind of the art of what we do - getting the balance between understanding the commercial, marketing and architectural needs to the bigger client brand’s needs, what they're looking to achieve from the project and merging that all together with what we want to do which has a strong focus on the people. So we do come across this crossroads where some projects can be very commercially driven, particularly for mixed use projects, but we approach it with a humanistic point of view.


And that causes what's the right word, a “friction’. But it’s a ‘good friction. One that helps generate different results with different ideas and solutions. Some projects, they (the client) might be thinking, we need to see the façade, we need to see the elevation, we need to see every shop front, no trees, no shade. We the designers don’t want people to be inside. However the friction between that and our human focused attention do create interesting solutions. We know there's going be a balance. We have a duty as designers and developers in this day and age.


The cities are so crowded, busy and overloaded. There's no access to meaningful public open spaces - only a few parks dotted around the city. Actually, as developers and designers, we have a responsibility to society and the culture that we design in to provide places that are much more than before. Places where people can come together, live out their lives, meet new friends, socialize and live their lives on a daily basis within these environments. It's not just a space to walk through to go inside and spend money. It's not about a place for ‘money exchange’, it’s about ‘social exchange’. And that is fundamental to every project that we touch.

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△WFC 南信控股青岛环球金融中心


09.ARCHINA:How to overcome the challenges in the construction process? 


Such an important factor!! We undertake what a detailed review of the construction drawings we work in collaboration with LDIs (Local Design Institute) and other companies across our sites in Shanghai, down in Guangzhou, Shenzhen - all over the place. And it's an important process that we go through where we will mark up every drawing. We will cover it in red pen if we need to. We will make suggestions and alterations to ensure the integrity of what we set out in the beginning is retained and realized. The design, the big vision and the strong concept follows through into those construction drawings. So that's the first stage. And that's so important to me. It doesn't matter if we've done a beautiful concept design or a sexy render, it means nothing if it isn’t built with the correct attention.


The next thing - we have a team that specializes in inspecting construction sites. And with that, they will visit the sites regularly. They will spend time with the contractor. And as part of that process, they will even teach and guide the contractor in how to get the right finishes and quality out of the details. And that's a really an important process with regular, regular, regular site visits, where we'll be going there marking up, making notes, teaching, guiding and helping every step to foresee any problems before they happen and ensure the very best end results.

10. ARCHINA:从您个人的层面或者公司的层面来讲,是如何看待社会责任的呢?

10.ARCHINA:Social responsibility of ASPECT Studios? What else we can do to protect environment? 


The social responsibility we're talking about is our status as a company and how we try and respond, to not just making money and doing nice designs, but also giving something back to the communities and to engage with the society itself, which is something that we try to do both on a personal and company level. I'm very much a firm believer of we, as a larger company, have a responsibility to the places where we design and the people we designed for.

We try to do that in our design projects, but also try to engage with the community, particularly on Australian projects where we'll have a specialist engagement coordinator to work directly with the communities and indigenous people. True community consultation, I don't think is something that we're too far away from in China - the next level where we can actually do community consultations, engage with society and the people in the street, and understand what those locals would be looking for. I think that's something that we respond to do in the next stage of our development.

11. ARCHINA:城市的建筑见证着历史的足迹,您觉得景观设计也是如此吗?特别是像中国这样快速发展的国家中,您认为景观设计的未来前景如何?

11.ARCHINA:The architecture of the city has history footprints(stamps) as time goes by. Do you think the landscape is also like this? Especially in China as a rapidly developing country, do you think how landscape design will develop in the future? 


I think it's an interesting time. The last five years landscape architecture in China has changed its face. It's moved away from being something that is just about beauty and nice to look at. Now, people really truly understand the importance of landscape as a city making tool. Oh, and I don't just mean landscape architecture such as a discipline - it's more about placemaking, landscape urbanism, landscape and integrated design and arts. One of the things that has been driven by both local and international companies in the Chinese market is the change from “piaoliang”- “isn't it beautiful”, to actually, “All that works. I can sit here and use it. It can provide something more, not just from a human point of view, from an environmental point of view too.”



And you get ‘that balance’. It’s one of the things we look for in all of our designs - the balance between humanistic needs and environmental needs. And getting the two right is a balancing game. That is a key change for me. When I first came to China, it was all about the story and visual alone. Clients would switch off unless you were talking about a dragon. You know, and it was all about what is it going look like. Now, clients are far more educated, experienced and understand the importance of the approach that we drive into all our designs. The functionality is the balance between environment, social, cultural and commercial needs and for landscape, how landscape can add real value, not just for the people, not just for the clients, but to the environment as well.


And that's something that isn't just a Western thing. It’s something has been embraced and driven by a lot Chinese companies as well. Which is a great thing for the future. I particularly think, for greater development; as the intensity of urban areas gets more and more tighter, the amount of meaningful open spaces available to people on a daily basis need to be spaces of real value. So it focuses back to the responsibility of designers and developers of these mixed use complex projects where people live, work and play to provide landscape and environment both indoor and outdoor with real meaningful value.




That is meaningful, authentic, creative, innovative and sustainable. All of these good things they need to provide. And the days of just an empty plaza dominated by paving and a view of building facades are gone. People aren’t and can’t be inspired by that! People won’t come and live their lives in that type of environment. What's more important is to have a landscape that can stimulate people, the culture, so they will come and live their life. They'll bring that energy, their family and their friends and that in turn will bring economic success for these projects.

12. ARCHINA:澳派景观设计工作室在中国的下一步发展计划是什么?你们的目标是什么?

12.ARCHINA:What is the next development plan for the ASPECT Studios in China? What are your goals?



I think in general terms, and after world domination (Stephen jokes) we just enjoy doing our work. For me it's about my staff and the designers at ASPECT Studios. It's about their individual journeys as well as developing them as a team. We are known for designs that are very humanistic. We don't have big, big aspirations, we just want to do good work and enjoy the work we do, so that others can enjoy the spaces we help create and that's it - a very simple goal. From a project perspective, we like to follow where we can do the most interesting and challenging work is, where our design and principles can help to bring delight to communities . And that might mean not just looking at our doorstep, but looking overseas and so on. Over the last couple of years, well, last year with ASPECT Studios, we have expanded to new locations. We are now in Dubai, Perth (Western Australia) and last month, I opened a little satellite studio in Guangzhou. And the purpose of this isn't for global domination but about having a closer connection to our clients and our portfolio of projects.

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2023-05-31凯谛思Arcadis 李辉 专访  阅读:2917
B+H荣获本届建筑中国品牌影响力外资企业 TOP 30,ARCHINA特邀专访了B+H首席执行官Patrick Fejér先生及中国区董事总经理、亚洲区执行副总裁、合伙人Susanna SWEE(徐丽云)女士。本期专访由ARCHINA首席记者吴淏钰采访整理,带大家深入了解B+H的设计理念与未来发展蓝图。
2023-05-24ARCHINA 专访  阅读:5309


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