奥雷舍人事务所 | 香港办公室招聘信息 Hong Kong Office is Hiring!
阅读:10649 2020-09-09

Architectural Designer, Hong Kong

We are looking for talented Architectural Designers to join our creative and dynamic international practice with the opportunity to work on high-profile architectural commissions globally– from concept to construction. You should bring strong design experience as well as a true understanding and passion for what we do. We want you to become a strong member of our global design network with the potential to take on an important role in the development of our growing practice. Positions are currently based in Hong Kong.


- Candidate should hold professional degree in Architecture (master of architecture / part 2 or equivalent).
- 2 years’ experience in an international-level architectural design firm.
- Strong conceptual, design and graphical skills.
- Ability to perform and deliver in a highly dynamic and ambitious work environment.
- Ability to work well as part of a team in an international environment.
- Proficient in AutoCad, Adobe Creative Suite.

- Able to clearly represent and explain ideas through visualization (diagrams, models, sketches, drawings, renderings)

- 3D modeling experience in Rhino proficiency in Grasshopper and scripting is a must.
- Fluency in English; Bilingual (Mandarin/Cantonese) a plus.
- Salary and benefits will be commensurate with ability and experience.

Please email your CV and portfolio (in PDF format less than 10MB, no web links please) to employment@buro-os.com quoting 'Architectural Designer, Hong Kong' in the subject line of your e-mail.









-精通AutoCad,Adobe Creative Suite。





请将您的简历和作品(PDF格式,文件大小在10MB 以内,请勿附上网站链接)发送到employment@buro-os.com,主题注明您所申请的职位。

Architectural Internship (year out), Hong Kong

We are currently offering full-time Architectural Assistant Internships (year out) in our creative and dynamic international practice. We are looking for undergraduate candidates (Part 1) who seek international experience in a thought-provoking environment. Internships are offered for a period of 12 months. Positions are currently based in Hong Kong.


- Candidate should have Architecture Degree  (BSSc(AS) Degree BA(AS) / BSSc(AS)  part 1 or equivalent)

- Excellent collaboration and communication skills

-Previous working experience in other internships at international design offices
- Strong graphic and design talent
- Excellent model-making skills
- Proficient in  AutoCAD, 3D Max, Rhino, Adobe Creative Suite

- Able to clearly represent and explain ideas through visualization (diagrams, models, sketches, drawings, renderings)

- 3D modeling experience in Rhino proficiency in Grasshopper and scripting is a must
- Fluency in spoken English, Bilingual (Mandarin/Cantonese) a plus.

Please email your CV and portfolio (in PDF format less than 10MB, no web links please) to employment@buro-os.com quoting 'Architectural Internship, Hong Kong' in the subject line of your e-mail.

Students and recent graduates are invited to apply.




-候选人应具有建筑学学位(BSSc(AS)学位BA(AS)/ BSSc(AS)第1部分或同等学历)





-精通AutoCAD,3D Max,Rhino,Adobe Creative Suite




请将您的简历和作品(PDF格式,文件大小在10MB 以内,请勿附上网站链接)发送到employment@buro-os.com,主题注明您所申请的职位。

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