台北市南港展览馆 | gmp建筑师事务所

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南港展览馆 © Marco Lee


The Nangang Exhibition Hall is located in the south-east of Taipei, the multi-million metropolis. The extension necessitated a space-saving solution. The new compact building by architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp) and J.J. Pan (joint venture partner, Taiwan) makes efficient use of the building plot: two exhibition halls and a conference center are vertically stacked, thereby doubling the exhibition capacity. A translucent facade consisting of green profiled glass louvers forms the envelope on the longitudinal sides, and an expressive, folded roof construction tops the new building. At ground level, visitors enter a multistory foyer with glazing towards the east, which creates a companion piece to the main entrance of the existing trade exhibition complex on the opposite side of the road, thereby visually connecting the existing and extension buildings.

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折叠式屋面设计 © Marco Lee


Owing to the very confined space, the delivery and parking facilities have been organized on three floors below ground. In this way, and in spite of the inner city location, with the delivery on the first level below ground it is possible to provide enough circulation, parking, and storage areas to cope with up to 70 trucks at the same time for the purpose of building and dismantling exhibitions. The two lowermost floors are designed as parking decks, providing a total of 1,150 car parking spaces.

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多层通高玻璃大厅 © Marco Lee


The two about 19,300 square meter exhibition halls are on the first and third floors. Each of the exhibition halls measures 153 x 126 meters; the column grid is 27 x 18 meters. Assuming an average stand area of 9 square meters, each of the exhibition halls provides space for 1,200 exhibition stands, all of which are supplied with power and media connections via floor channels. In addition, two mezzanine floors on the second and fourth floors accommodate the service functions, including gastronomic facilities, plant rooms, and administrative offices. Several escalators link the different upper floors with each other, and glass elevators in the main foyer can be used to directly reach the different exhibition levels and the conference center on the fifth floor.

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远眺自然风景 © Marco Lee


The conference center forms the top of the Nangang Exhibition Hall Expansion, both functionally and visually. The underside of the roof, with its large span, is clad with shiny silver sails that also provide the conference hall with a festive ceiling design. The 5,600-square-meter events hall is free of columns and, for the purpose of smaller events, can be subdivided into eight halls of 700 square meters each. To the north and south, two roof terraces planted with trees run along the conference center. From the large terraces, at a height of approx. 30 meters, visitors can enjoy a stunning vista across the lively city landscape of Taipei up to the green forested slopes of the mountain ranges that surround the metropolis.

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建筑南立面 © Marco Lee




设计团队:Sven Grotheer, Miriam Gruppe, Martin Hagel, Matthias von Hanstein, Oliver Koenig, Tim Leimbrock, Kristina Milani, 潘梅, Christine von der Schulenburg, Katja Siebke,孙杲阳,Mark Timmermann, Urs Wedekind

现场管理:Florian Wiedey

结构设计:sbp 施莱希工程设计咨询有限公司

建筑设备:IG Tech

幕墙设计:Chung Tai Metal Co. & Mega Facade Corporation

声控/多媒体顾问:ADA Acoustics & Media Consultants GmbH

建筑管理系统:The Eslite Corporation

消防设计:Taiwan Fire Safety Consulting, Ltd.

照明设计:ag licht

景观设计:WES 魏斯景观建筑



建筑面积:15 万平方米 



Competition 2009-1st prize

Design Meinhard von Gerkan and Nikolaus Goetze with Marc Ziemons 

Project Lead Jan Blasko 

Team  Sven Grotheer, Miriam Gruppe, Martin Hagel, Matthias von Hanstein, Oliver Koenig, Tim Leimbrock, Kristina Milani, Pan Mei, Christine von der Schulenburg, Katja Siebke, Sun Gaoyang, Mark Timmermann, Urs Wedekind 

Contract Administration Florian Wiedey

Structural Engineering schlaich bergermann partner (sbp)

MEP Engineering IG Tech

Facade Consulting Chung Tai Metal Co. & Mega Facade Corporation

Acoustics/Media Technology ADA Acoustics & Media Consultants GmbH

Building Control System The Eslite Corporation

Fire Protection Taiwan Fire Safety Consulting, Ltd.

Lighting Design ag licht

Landscape Architecture WES & Partner 

Joint-Venture Partner Taiwan J.J. Pan

Client Taiwan Power Company

GFA 150,000 m²

Parking Spaces 1,150

Construction Period 2012–2019

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总平面图 © gmp Architekten

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首层平面图 © gmp Architekten

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会议中心层平面图 © gmp Architekten

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会议中心层平面图 © gmp Architekten

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