巴厘岛阿雅娜赛格拉酒店 | WATG温艾唐古

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Another representative project of WATG, the luxury resort AYANA Segara Bali has recently opened its doors to travelers. Our architectural design team has taken inspiration from the lush clifftop location and from Bali’s rich arts and culture to create a contemporary design expression for a new generation of guests.

此新项目共有 197 间客房,而 WATG 的设计目标是在传统热带度假村的基础上注入浓厚的地道风情和独特的空间体验。其过程中面临的挑战,是要缔造出独一无二的现代设计,同时与占地广达 90 公顷的阿雅娜度假园区内三间姐妹酒店互相配搭。

WATG’s objective with the new 197-key property was to imbue a strong sense of place and a unique spatial experience that elevates conventional tropical resort archetypes. The challenge was to ensure that the design would be modern and unique, complementing AYANA Segara Bali’s three sister properties already existing within the expansive 90-hectare AYANA Estate.

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阿雅娜度假园区 AYANA Estate


Drawing upon our expertise in crafting iconic destinations, we adopted a strong contemporary language that speaks to the evolution of sustainable tourism in Bali and preferences of today’s travelers. The landmark resort is our fifth collaboration with AYANA across Indonesia’s key destinations including Jakarta and Komodo Island, as well as the adjacent properties within the same Bali resort.

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最终呈现出来的效果,正如WATG董事兼新加坡公司董事总经理周依仁(I-Jin Chew)女士所说:“阿雅娜酒店集团拥有清晰的愿景,并对旅客不断变化的需求具备全面理解,推动了双方协作设计的过程。我们精心设计出一系列充满活力的迷人空间,在结合现代建筑元素之余同时洋溢地道特色,与我们之前在阿雅娜度假园区设计的其他姐妹项目互相呼应。能够为巴厘岛阿雅娜赛格拉酒店以及整个度假村的长期可持续发展和成功作出贡献,实在令人充满成就感。”

“AYANA Hospitality’s clear vision and comprehensive understanding of their guests’ evolving travel needs fueled our collaborative design process,” said Ms. I-Jin Chew, WATG’s Principal and Managing Director in Singapore. “We were able to orchestrate a dynamic series of captivating spaces that combine modern architectural elements while creating a sense of place which connects with our previous work on AYANA Estate’s sister properties. It’s been a fulfilling experience to contribute to AYANA Segara Bali’s, and to the whole resort’s long-term sustainability and success.”

阿雅娜酒店集团营运副总裁 Christian Rene Höchtl 先生也表示:“WATG 对巴厘岛阿雅娜赛格拉酒店的直观设计带有浓厚的地道风情并致敬了当地特色,例如在度假园区内开采的石灰岩。自去年 11 月开业以来,这个新项目进一步巩固了品牌作为集恬静、健康与现代奢华享受于一身的首选度假胜地的地位。不少旅客在到访巴厘岛时都希望远离现实生活中的繁琐,而我们将通过更出色的综合度假村来满足这需求。”
“WATG’s intuitive design of AYANA Segara Bali carries a strong sense of place and celebration of local identity, such as the harvesting of our own limestone within the estate. Since opening last November, our new resort has elevated our positioning as the preferred sanctuary for peace, wellbeing and modern luxury. There is a shared desire by many travellers to escape the realities of daily life when they visit Bali and we are cater to this need at our enhanced integrated resort,”  said Mr. Christian Rene Höchtl, VP Operations of AYANA Hospitality.

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Nestled in an ideal spot where forest meets ocean, the clifftop resort incorporates the natural beauty of the landscape into its backdrop, weaving in cultural references through familiar local textures and materials. The architectural forms take inspiration from the organic fluidity of Indonesia’s undulating paddy fields and leverage the site’s topography.

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Guestrooms are oriented in non-traditional, non-linear fashion around three communal courtyards to optimise views of the Jimbaran Bay and Indian Ocean. And the lines are blurred between building and landscape with abundant indoor-outdoor connections and amenities, including a roof deck that overlooks the island’s most spectacular sunsets.


Featuring locally-sourced materials and lush native plants, the resort is designed to appeal to modern travelers’ demand for authenticity and respect for the land. With intentionality, it showcases the richness of the Jimbaran nature and landscape, while the architecture plays a supporting role. Key features such as open-air corridors and floor-to-ceiling windows ensure abundant natural light and ventilation.

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Indoor-outdoor spaces and multi-purpose facilities lay the foundation for amenities and services that cater to the wide variety of lifestyle choices and aspirations of multi-generational guests. Natural and abstract landscape features fill the spaces in between built forms, ensuring that guests are not experiencing the building but rather nature and its inherent beauty as they follow the thoughtfully curated journey.

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