呼和浩特昭君博物馆 | 大器建筑设计工作室
阅读:5632 2020-12-15


近日,由中国建筑设计研究院·大器设计原创的建筑作品“昭君博物馆”荣获德国国家设计奖German Design Awards之“卓越建筑设计类别” 特别表彰奖 Special Mention这也“昭君博物馆”项目继获得WAF·China Awards年度优秀作品奖后的又一次国际殊荣。

The completed projects "Zhaojun Museum" designed by DAQI ARCHITECTS, CADG won“Special Mention” award in "GermanDesign Award".  

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 01   奖项介绍 /Award Introduction

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德国国家设计奖(German Design Award)是由德国设计协会(German Design Concil)颁发的国际最高奖项,德国设计协会于1953年在德国联邦议会下院的倡议下成立。该奖项必须由德国设计委员会推荐的作品才能获得提名,被提名参赛的作品多数为国际设计获奖作品,因此该奖项又被称为“奖中奖”,奖项被公认为是业内最具含金量的国际设计奖之一。

German Design Awards are the international premier prize of the German Design Council. High-calibresubmissions from the fields of architecture,product andcommunication design – all of which play a pioneering role within theinternational design landscape – are honored every year. The wards  are amongst the world’s most renowned design awards andenjoy a prestigious reputation that extends well beyond specialist circles.

德国国家设计奖(German Design Award)的前身溯源于1969年“德国联邦好设计奖”,2006年更名为“德意志联邦共和国设计奖”,由德国设计协会受德国联邦经济与技术部委托颁发。2012年更名为“德国设计奖“,更为人熟知的名称是“德国国家设计奖“。


 02   获奖项目介绍 Project Introduction

▲ 昭君博物馆



Two thousand yearsago, Wang Zhaojun was sent to marry Chanyu of Xiongnu to establish friendshipbetween Xiongnu and Han. Zhaojun Museum was built along the axis of ZhaojunTomb, to honor her sacrifice for peace. The tomb was originally built of rammedearth and wood structures on top. Earth and wood were the predominant materialsused in ancient China. In order to preserve the historical characters of thesite, specialty concrete and laminated bamboo were used to maintain consistencybetween the new and the existing. The V-shaped opening between the two buildingsreveals Zhaojun’s tomb on center from faraway.

 GDA 德国设计奖评审团评语 

The solution of using both pyramid-shaped units to form the spacious entrance area was fantastic. The clarity of the traditional design language makes the monumental complex still look modern and contemporary today. An impressive design that is visible even from far away and arouses curiosity and interest.



 Zhaojun Museum 昭君博物概况


Site analysis


Zhaojunmuseum is located at the south end of the central axis of Zhaojun memorial, respondingto Zhaojun’s tomb on the north end. With cultural and spatial contextconsidered, the architect created a new space that humbly speaks to theexisting structures.

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△ 中轴线上博物馆与青冢的共生关系  


Withthe continuing upgrading of the park, the owner plans to build a new museumthat serves both public education and research purposes. 

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△ 昭君博物馆区位图


Considering the contextof the site, the museum is linked to the heritages both culturally andspiritually. Addressing the relationship between the museum and the existingtomb, as well as improving the overall spatial experience are the two majorconcerns from the owner.

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△ 园区总图与园区鸟瞰


Twotruncated pyramids rotated 45 degrees, and embraced the Zhaojun tomb faraway atthe center. The V-shaped opening between the two pyramid-shaped buildingsestablished the hierarchy of the space, making Zhaojun’s tomb visible from the street.The new museum strengthened the axis of the park, and emphasized on thememorial character of the park.

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△ 建筑体量生成和昭君青冢的关系

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△ 从青冢延伸而来的轴线(由北向南看)

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△ 从青冢延伸而来的轴线(由南向北看)


Prefabricatedconstruction is another highlight of the project. Precast concrete cladding, laminatedbamboo canopy, polyurethane rolled floor finish were used in the project. 


Wood & Earth


Zhaojun’stomb was originally built of rammed earth with grand wood structure on top. Earthand wood were the predominant materials used in ancient China. In order to preserve the historical characters of the site, specialty concrete andlaminated bamboo were used to resemble the ancient Chinese architecture. 


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△ “土”与“木”的结合 


Theconcrete cladding had a texture to mimic the rammed earth of the tomb. Laminatedbamboo was used at the canopy over the entrance. 

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△ 仿夯土混凝土挂板——新的“土”  


Laminated Bamboo, in comparison toregular wood, is much stronger and more durable. The wood and earth elements,were re-created using modern technologies so as to inherit the spirit oftraditional Chinese architecture. 

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△ 入口处胶合竹材质的宽大雨棚 —— 新的“木”  


Space Design


Afunnel-shaped sunken yard was designed at the south entrance, to encourageinteractions between visitors and the architecture. It also served as awayfinding to lead visitors toward the museum. Along the path of travel,opening and closure were crafted to reveal and hide Zhaojun’s tomb, creatingvisual connections and rhythms. 

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△ 入口广场下沉带来与昭君青冢

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△ 南侧主入口视角


The bridge above the entrance brings the zhaojun Qingzhong into the landscape frame with the triangle window of "plus or minus". The internal and external landscape blends together, and the artificial exhibits and historical relics are cleverly combined.

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△ 贯穿园区景观轴线的三角框景窗外部   


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△ 贯穿园区景观轴线的三角框景窗内部


Two exhibition halls were designed as the majorspaces. Zhaoujun’s legendary stories were exhibited in the east hall with acircular atrium. Xiongnu’s History was on display in the west hall, which has arectangular atrium. A full height wall made of rammed earth emphasized on the feature ofpower, together with triangular windows that formed the skylights.

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△ 昭君主题展馆中庭空间

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△ 负一层平面图

1 游客服务中心  咖啡厅  门厅  中庭  临时展厅   临时展厅 

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△ 一层平面图

1 展厅  中庭上空  连廊  室外平台  贵宾室

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△ 二层平面图

1 展厅  中庭上空  连廊

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△ 剖面图

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△ 展厅空间  


The concept of picturesquewas used in the interior wayfinding design. Accessible ramps were built toguide the path of travel. Visitors would catch different sceneries as they movealong the trail, resembles a Chinese garden. 

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A white ramp was floatingin the space, supported by steel cabling hanging from the concrete beams up inthe ceiling. The lightness of the ramp created a dramatic contrast with the heavytruncated pyramids outside, voicing out the museum’s character as a modernarchitecture. 

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△ 悬浮的室内坡道  




Thebuilding was lowered and humbly integrated in the environment. The triangularmodule was applied to the building envelope, as well as the landscape design,creating an immersive experience for the visitors.

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△ 昭君博物馆顶视图  

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△ 远眺昭君博物馆  

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△ 建筑景观一体化设计


As a newconstruction close to the memorial, the museum started a dialogue with historyusing architectural languages. The spatial sequence of the memorial axis wasstrengthened, and the architectural form enhanced the idea of culture exchangeand harmony, which is the core value of Zhaojun memorial. Comprehensivefunctions were added to support future expansions. The museum plays a positiverole in promoting tourism and increasing local income.

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 03  设计团队 / Design team Introduction

工程地点 内蒙古自治区,呼和浩特市,玉泉区

设计单位   中国建筑设计研究院有限公司·大器设计

设计主持   曹晓昕

用地面积 40400m2

建筑面积 15092m2

项目业主   内蒙古青山文化旅游投资有限责任公司

建筑 曹晓昕、尚蓉、梁力、宋涛、詹红、范佳

结构 余蕾、李季、董越、刘会军

机电 安岩、车爱晶、李京沙、屠欣、王莉、吴磊

总图 连荔、朱秀丽、张蓉

景观 刘环、刘卓君

智能化 任亚武

摄影 张广源、孙海霆、吴清山

视频   吴清山

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