无锡市锡山区生态文体智慧产业中心 | PTW Architects
阅读:1094 2023-11-13

△ 文体产业中心鸟瞰图 ©PTW

近期,锡东新城公布了”双碳“先导区获批的消息并正式启动,PTW Architects中国建筑设计研究院有限公司、CCDI悉地国际打破常规,由崔愷院士指导共同规划设计了无锡市锡山区生态文体智慧产业中心项目。该项目位于无锡主城区东侧,紧邻二环及锡山大道,是锡东新城的功能发展轴与新吴区高新产业区的综合服务廊道交点;用地规模为 223,879㎡,规划总建筑面积为 267,028。如何创造出锡山区第一个复合型的多功能多元化文体公共空间新地标,是该项目思考的关键。

Recently, Xidong New Town announced the approval and official launch of the "dual-carbon" pilot zone. PTW, CADG, and CCDI jointly planned and designed the Ecological Digital Cultural and Creative Industry Center at Xishan, Wuxi. The project is located on the eastern side of the main urban area of Wuxi, adjacent to the Second Ring Road and Xishan Avenue. The total land area is 223,879, and the total covered area is 267,028The key consideration for the project is how to create the first integrated, multifunctional, and diversified cultural and sports public space landmark in Xishan District.

△ 区位分析 ©PTW
Due to the incomplete development of the surrounding area, a non-directional curve is used to align with the limitless possibilities of the future. Non-directional polygonal architectural blocks are combined to form clusters of buildings, aiming to respond to all directions and better integrate with the diverse urban fabric.

△ 总平面图 ©PTW


The overall planning and design of the project aim to activate the vibrancy of the Xishan District's new central business area, including a library+commercial zone, sports arena, community fitness center, swimming pool, baseball field, basketball court, football field, and outdoor training ground. The dispersed and centripetal layout of the site perfectly echoes the irregular polygonal shape, creating a cohesive force at the intersection of the city's multi-directional texture. 

△ 开放空间漫游路径 ©PTW


The cultural and sports center is interconnected by a circular urban slow-walking system, which is comprised of a variety of functional zones and open squares that are connected by slopes and steps. The slow-walking system has been thoughtfully designed to offer spacious and comfortable pedestrian walkways, open green spaces, and user-friendly facilities that are connected by logical links to promote ease of movement. It not only improves residents' accessibility but also fosters a sense of community and social interaction.

△ 人行流线设计 ©PTW


The use of a multi-tiered set of stairs leading to the evacuation platform on the second floor of the sports arena creates a semi-outdoor leisure and viewing corridor. The open and interactive corridor platform provides access to the public fitness center and the swimming pool. The architectural design of the second floor interconnects each individual hall, allowing for free-flowing movement and promoting a shared usage within each space. 

△ 原”巧克力乐园“ 项目 ©PTW

△ 加建区域 ©PTW

该建筑为原“巧克力乐园“改扩建项目,原巧克力乐园建筑面积为17000, 设计团队需要对这栋楼进行重新设计与改建,并且需要在不改变原有建筑曲线的前提下进行扩建,旨在打造一个创新型的区级图书馆和集中商业的复合体
The building is a renovation and expansion project of the original "Chocolate Park". The original Chocolate Park had a building area of 17,000. The design team needs to redesign and reconstruct the building while maintaining the original architectural curves. The aim is to create an innovative district-level library and commercial complex.

△ 图书馆+商业-北侧效果图 ©PTW

△ 图书馆北侧效果图 ©PTW

△ 图书馆+商业南侧效果图 ©PTW


The original building struction is a reinforced concrete frame structure, with a plain girder and light gauge steel structure on the roof of the addition. The design concept meets the expansion requirements while preserving the original architectural curves to the maximum extent. A shared platform area has been added in the middle section of the second floor, transforming it into a double-ground-level multi-directional public space.

△ 2F室外商业平台 ©PTW

△ 共享阅览大台阶 ©PTW

△ 顶层开架阅览空间 ©PTW
Another highlight of the architectural design is the rooftop area, where the top floor is designed as a popular open-stack reading area, combined with rooftop greenery, an open and spacious outdoor terrace has been set up. Visitors can relax in comfortable seating areas, while enjoying the refreshing breeze and captivating views.

△ 体育馆-东北侧效果图 ©PTW

△ 中心广场侧效果图 ©PTW


The sports arena employs a lightweight design strategy, departing from the traditional visual perception of sports architecture and downplaying the building's mass. The overhanging eaves of the roof can effectively shield sunlight and rain, providing a comfortable environment for visitors to engage in various outdoor activities within the public space.

△ 夜景鸟瞰图 ©PTW
Based on the existing topography and road network, the sports cluster integrates indoor and outdoor spaces, creating platform spaces at different elevations. All individual buildings are oriented towards a central green core, fostering a sense of gathering. The sports arena and the grand theater establish a dialogue, enriching the facade through interstitial spaces and enhancing interactivity.

△ 体育馆剖透视分析图 ©PTW

△ 体育馆首层平面图 ©PTW
The sports arena has approximately 12,000 seats, with a warm-up training area on the west side featuring a U-shaped grandstand. The warm-up area can also connect to the competition venue, creating exhibition space for future operations, offering more possibilities. It can host not only sports events and performances but also increase the economic value of the space, enhancing the overall competitiveness and influence of Xishan District.

△ 全民健身+游泳馆-东南角透视图 ©PTW

△ 三层中庭室内效果图 ©PTW
The community fitness center and swimming pool also provide users with multi-functional sports and recreational facilities. There is an open shared axis that connects the outdoor sports facilities with the core of the park, enhancing the building's functionality and spatial diversity. The design of the atrium space serves as a vertical traffic hub, improving the experience for the public. Additionally, in terms of functional usage, it provides users with greater convenience.

△ 北侧鸟瞰图 ©PTW

△ 北侧商业广场透视图 ©PTW



The core concept of this project is to create a comprehensive ecological digital cultural and sports industry center that integrates "culture, commerce, and sports." It adheres to the dynamic concept of an ecological park and adopts a strategy of cultural freedom. By utilizing a linear design that resonates with the athletic atmosphere, the overall image of the new district is being shaped. Simultaneously, the commercial sector is being maximized to stimulate economic prosperity, and establish it as a highlight and symbol of urban development in the Xishan District.


方案设计|PTW Architects 中国建筑设计院

Project DesignPTW Architects+CADG

Cooperation UnitsCCDI, CADG

LocationXishan district, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China

ClientWuxi Donghao Cultural and Sports Industry Investment Development Co., Ltd

Covered Area267,028 ㎡

Design Date2023-

Date of Completionongoing

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