新家坡19 Nassim | SCDA Design
阅读:1793 2024-06-21

19 Nassim | 新加坡,2024

Photographs: Finbarr Fallon

19 Nassim 座落于其繁茂的热带风光之中,毗邻新加坡植物园(联合国教科文组织誉为世界遗产的绿意盎然之地),诠释了花园生活的极致理念。这个项目优雅地伫立于Nassim Hill 的私密住宅区,从 Napier 路一瞥即可感受到其隐秘的奢华与独有的热带花园氛围。

Nestled within the verdant surroundings near the prestigious Singapore Botanic Gardens, a UNESCO World Heritage site, 19 Nassim stands as a testament to the fusion of luxury living and tropical architecture. This development, strategically positioned in the serene Nassim Hill residential area and notably visible from Napier Road, epitomizes the essence of garden living while offering an exclusive retreat within a lush landscape.


Upon entering the elegantly designed Lobby, residents and visitors alike are treated to an immersive experience where the boundaries between nature and architectural finesse blur. The meticulously planned spaces lead to a lush pool deck that houses the Garden Lounge and an infinity Lap Pool, presenting an oasis of tranquility and visual delight.


The architectural brilliance of 19 Nassim is further highlighted by its living spaces. Each unit features full-height glazing, erasing the distinction between the indoors and the outdoors, thereby extending the living areas into the natural surroundings. The ground-floor residences boast private patios enveloped by lush perimeter planting, enhancing privacy and connection with nature. Moreover, select corner units offer expansive double-volume living spaces, elevating the living experience with their grandeur and openness.

19 Nassim 的立面设计独具匠心,细腻而层次分明,格栅元素的引入不仅提供隐私,还有效阻挡热带阳光,这些设计元素贯穿于阳台,为建筑外观增添深度与纹理。此外,通过巧妙布置的庭院,服务区域享受自然通风与光照,凸显了项目对舒适与可持续生活空间的承诺。

The facade of 19 Nassim is a work of art, intricately detailed and layered with screens that not only offer privacy but also mitigate the tropical sun's intensity. These design elements extend across the balconies, adding depth and texture to the building's exterior. Additionally, strategically placed courtyards ensure natural ventilation and lighting within the service areas, emphasizing the development's commitment to sustainable and comfortable living spaces.

19 Nassim住宅以其创新的设计理念和独特的地理位置,定义了一种新的奢华都市生活方式,它是对热带建筑与当代居住的完美诠释,标志着与自然和谐共生的生活艺术。

In essence, 19 Nassim is a boutique residential development that elegantly marries tropical architecture with contemporary living, redefining luxury in a cosmopolitan context. Its unique design approach and strategic location make it a hallmark of bespoke living in harmony with nature.

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