森马集团上海国际运营中心 |杜兹设计
阅读:1051 2024-05-24


(Headquarters Park) project. Semir Group plans to build it into an "international headquarter", "fashion headquarter" and "entrepreneurial headquarter", becoming Semir's global fashion industry base and innovation brain based in Shanghai.  Design for Semir Group officially started construction.

"Three headquarters  



ir Group's Headquarter,

万平方米,构建面向集团未来的总部园区,助力“科技时尚小镇”的全面建设与腾飞。Semir Group's Shanghai headquarters stands prominently within the vibrant "Fashion Industry Functional Axis" on Lianhua South Road, situated amidst the dynamic framework of "One Axis, Two Belts, and Three Districts" in Wujing Town, Minhang District, Shanghai. Responding proactively to regional development plans and aligning with the company's strategic thrust towards internationalization and multi-brand expansion, Semir Group initiated the Headquarters Park Reconstruction Project in 2021. The ambitious endeavor aims to create a modern headquarters spanning approximately 170,000 square meters, poised to serve as the group's flagship hub. This initiative not only reinforces Semir's commitment to innovation but also lends crucial support to the overarching vision of fostering the growth of the "Science and Technology Fashion Town."



's philosophy 



The DUTS team's philosophy of deduction stems from the win-win principle encapsulated in the saying, "When small rivers have water, the big ones are filled." Through multiple rounds of deduction, they crafted an all-encompassing "loop" designed to immerse the headquarters space in a crowd-centric experience, thereby radiating empowerment throughout the entire park. Thus, "Sen-ring-LOOP" (SEMIR Park) was conceived.

"Open and shared VERTICAL park"“园”不仅仅是物理的空间所在,更是人们的精神场所,是心灵的栖息之所。 

The concept of a "Garden" transcends mere physical space; it embodies a spiritual sanctuary for individuals, a refuge for the soul. Amidst external flux, one finds solace within the tranquil confines of a garden, where the interplay between heart and nature unfolds seamlessly. It's a realm where one can bask in the beauty of every blade of grass and every tree, where the inner landscape mirrors the outer, creating a harmonious symphony of serenity.来自外部的流动 







The DUTS team sought to design a headquarters that emphasizes growth and adaptability. They aimed to enhance the building's vitality by creating a structure that supports future modifications and utilizes a combination of innovative architectural and structural designs to extend its utility and vibrancy. 

建筑的生命力与结构息息相关。The vitality of a building is also linked to its structure, and the DUTS team wanted to create a "growth-oriented" headquarters building and space with more possibilities for future use and revitalization of the building's vitality through the combination of architectural form and innovative structural forms. 


The 50-meter tower adopts a steel frame support system, chosen for its cost-efficiency and structural integrity. By positioning the inner cylinder on the exterior, it enhances the building's seismic resilience and optimizes space utilization. This configuration costs about the same as prefabricated concrete structures, while the column grid meets the international standard span of 9 to 12 meters. This design leverages the advantages of steel, including sustainability, low carbon footprint, extensive space for future modifications, and overall efficiency.主楼入口采用桁架转换结构,实现了42米开间无柱的大堂入户设计,让企业未来的大堂使用有更多可能。


The twin towers of the main building are connected by a double-layer corridor on the 13th and 14th floors, linking the two structures into a single cohesive unit to enhance resistance to the horizontal forces of earthquakes. This structural system facilitates a seamless and extended design of the main building, reaching up to 190 meters in length and creating a substantial volume for the unified structure.On the contrary, gives more play to the use of structural components and efficiency, and the amount of steel used is equivalent to that in other non-exceeding-limit small-quake single-body designs, although the main building's design standard can resist rare seismic effects. The dynamic performance of the structural system is very efficient.主楼空中连廊以下部分采用穿层柱的结构设计,为室内设计空中景观客厅释放了足够的竖向空间。The structural design of the sky corridor in the main building incorporates through-story columns, which frees up significant vertical space for the interior design of the sky view living room. This approach enhances the aesthetic and functional possibilities of this elevated space.开放性与归属感

At the initial stage of the architectural form projections, the designers organically combine the architectural form with the interior scene based on the continuous attention to the lifestyle and experience scene of people in the modern industry.通过多种空间场景的引入,创造了一个具有前瞻性的、有发展空间的、富有文化氛围的场所,为总部的员工和使用者营造成长的空间、精神上的归属感。




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