华为天津旗舰店 | DLR Group 亚洲区
阅读:1088 2024-05-22

DLR Group为华为打造的天津滨江道旗舰店,是品牌核心和零售体验的一次重新定义。他将科技、艺术和社交元素融入百年历史建筑,体现品牌万物互联的核心价值,打造一个充满年轻活力和科技创新的文化殿堂。成为新一代消费者的社交聚焦点,不仅为每一位访客提供了一个探索未来和启发创新的空间,更是城市记忆的延续和链接多元文化的新地标

The Huawei flagship store on Binjiang Road in Tianjin, created by DLR Group, represents a redefinition of the brand's core and retail experience. It integrates technology, art, and social elements into a century-old historic building, embodying the core value of Huawei's interconnectedness and creating a cultural hub full of youthful vigor and technological innovation. It becomes a focal point for the new generation of consumers, not only providing a space for exploration and innovation but also continuing and connecting urban memories and diverse cultures.


Restoring the old as the old, revitalizing cultural landmarks with new splendor.


The project is located in the Tianjin Traffic Hotel building, originally built in 1928 by French architect Müller in an eclectic style. Situated at the intersection of Heping Road and Binjiang Road, opposite the Guanyechang Building, Huizhong Hotel, and Zhejiang Industrial and Commercial Bank Building, it is currently a protected historical building in the Heping District of Tianjin. With over 2,000 square meters of retail space spread across two floors, this experiential store is Huawei's first flagship store in North China. The historic building combines unique elements of arches and floral-patterned roofs. However, after a century of ups and downs, both the interior and exterior of the Traffic Hotel building have suffered varying degrees of damage.


这座历史建筑融合了独特的拱券元素和花草纹金顶。但历经百年的沧桑岁月,又几经易手的交通饭店大楼内外部设施都遭受了不同程度的损坏。一贯秉持保护建筑价值,尊重历史文脉,拥有丰富历史建筑修缮设计经验的DLR Group查阅了大量的历史档案和建筑资料,找回了1927年法国设计师的手绘原版蓝图,决定以修旧如旧的方式,尽力还原交通饭店大楼的时代风貌与建筑记忆。

To respect history and preserve the architectural value, DLR Group, with its extensive experience in historic building restoration, extensively researched historical archives and architectural materials, rediscovered the original hand-drawn blueprints by the French designer in 1927, and decided to restore the Traffic Hotel building's era charm and architectural memories through a "restore-as-original" approach.

DLR Group通过现代技术和工艺对交通饭店大楼进行了外墙修复,使用环保试剂对外墙真石漆表面进行清洗退漆,以匹配建筑中原有的花岗岩抹灰纹理还原效果。恢复了已经消失的女儿墙与骑楼等设施并复刻门窗与艺术花灯,为老建筑旧貌换新颜,注入新的活力。对华为旨在打造“城市客厅”的愿景,将一层建筑立面设计为落地大面积玻璃,形成面向城市的开放展示窗口,连接华为品牌的年轻力和人文情怀,成为吸引更多年轻人探索历史保护建筑,传承中华文脉,洞见未来生活的一座桥梁。

Using modern technology and craftsmanship, DLR Group repaired the exterior walls of the Traffic Hotel building, cleaned and stripped the exterior stucco surface with environmentally friendly agents to match the original granite plaster texture of the building. They restored the disappeared parapets, arcade, and replicated doors, windows, and artistic lanterns, revitalizing the old building's appearance and injecting new vitality. In line with Huawei's vision of creating an "urban living room," the ground floor facade of the building was designed with extensive glass windows, creating open display windows facing the street, connecting Huawei's brand vitality and humanistic sentiments, and becoming a bridge to attract more young people to explore historic preservation buildings, inherit Chinese culture, and envision future lifestyles.

Culturally inspired, Building the Future Brand Community.


如何将华为品牌文化、历史保护建筑、天津丰富的在地文化三个元素融入零售体验,成为了室内设计最大的挑战。穿过室外骑楼步入室内,一个钻石型两层通高的中庭矗立眼前。中庭保留了原始电梯结构,并通过明亮轻快的材质弱化柱体的体量感,打造出绿植墙和模拟自然天光,DLR Group还巧妙利用不同绿植的色彩明亮度与饱和度对比,描绘出天津的「母亲河」海河。中轴对称的视觉设计使其成为点亮华为“城市客厅”的玄关壁画。在客厅中,你可以浏览跨界艺术家的画展,也可以手持一杯现场调制的咖啡,了解最新的华为产品发布视频。文化的魅力贯穿于整个购物过程中,为华为创造了独特的品牌情感连接。

Upon entering the indoor space through the outdoor arcade, a diamond-shaped double-height atrium stands before you. The atrium retains the original elevator structure and, through bright and lightweight materials, weakens the volume of the columns. With green plant walls and simulated natural skylights, DLR Group ingeniously contrasts the brightness and saturation of different green plants, depicting Tianjin's "Mother River" Haihe. The symmetrical visual design of the central axis makes it a focal mural that illuminates Huawei's "urban living room." In the living room, you can browse exhibitions by cross-disciplinary artists or enjoy a cup of freshly brewed coffee while watching the latest Huawei product release videos. Cultural charm pervades the entire shopping experience, creating a unique emotional connection to the Huawei brand.





DLR Group基于原始结构的文保属性,采用凿井式的九宫格照明,与原始主次梁的构造完美契合。这不仅打破了视觉上的层高压抑,还满足了桌上电子产品和华为汽车不同照明的需求,同时融入了折衷主义建筑元素的独特韵味。

DLR Group utilized the original structural conservation attributes to design a grid-like lighting system that perfectly complements the original primary and secondary beams. This not only breaks the visual suppression of ceiling height but also meets the lighting needs of tabletop electronic products and Huawei cars, while integrating the unique charm of eclectic architectural elements.



透过绿植墙,雕塑般的螺旋楼梯吸引人们向上探索。二楼由DLR Group打造了一系列的互动体验场景,包括华为学堂,会议办公区、儿童区和全屋智能等多元空间。在这里,不仅可以购买华为的产品,还可以体验与工作、生活密切相关的场景。在运动健康区,顾客可以第一时间上手体验最新的华为穿戴设备,也可将华为智能手表与手机等设备联动,进行一场微体检。此外,顾客还可以在跑步机、椭圆机、划船机等鸿蒙生态相关的健身设备中感受智慧运动场景的魅力。我们打破了传统零售模式,让旗舰店成为了城市的文化中心和年轻人的聚集地。

Through green plant walls, the sculpture-like spiral staircase attracts people to explore upwards. On the second floor, DLR Group has created a series of interactive experience spaces, including Huawei Academy, conference office areas, children's areas, and full-house intelligence, among others. Here, visitors can not only purchase Huawei products but also experience scenarios closely related to work and life. We have broken the traditional retail model, turning the flagship store into a cultural center and gathering place for young people.


跨越时空之门,踏入你的华为未来之家,这座面积约 280 平方米的全屋智能体验区,是现有旗舰店中面积最大,场景最齐全的。在这里,你可以在华为智能技术的支持下,身临其境地探索各种家居场景,感受万物互联的生动景象,体验智能化空间模式,见证未来生活方式的个性化与不断成长。

Crossing the gateway of time and space, stepping into your Huawei future home, this approximately 280 square meter full-house intelligent experience area is the largest and most comprehensive among existing flagship stores. Here, you can explore various home scenarios under the support of Huawei's intelligent technology, experience the vivid scene of everything interconnected, and witness the personalized and continuous growth of future lifestyles.

从天津交通饭店大楼到华为天津旗舰店,这座拥有百年历史的建筑再次向公众开放。它融合了历史与未来,汇聚了人气与灵感,成为一座沟通时代的新型零售建筑。DLR Group的专业设计为这座建筑赋予了全新的解读。

From the Tianjin Traffic Hotel building to the Huawei Tianjin flagship store, this century-old building is once again open to the public. It combines history and the future, gathers popularity and inspiration, and becomes a new type of retail building that communicates with the times. DLR Group's professional design has given this building a fresh interpretation.


目前,该项目已斩获多项殊荣,其中包括美国缪斯设计奖(MUSE DESIGN AWARD)2024年建筑设计再生项目铂金奖,美国IDA国际设计大奖2023年商业零售室内设计荣誉提名奖,以及意大利A’DESIGN AWARD & COMPETITION室内空间和展览设计银奖。

Currently, the project has won multiple awards, including the MUSE DESIGN AWARD 2024 Platinum Award for architectural design regeneration projects, the IDA International Design Award 2023 Honorable Mention for commercial interior design, and the A'DESIGN AWARD & COMPETITION Silver Award.

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