深圳南山区海岸城购物中心升级改造 | CallisonRTKL
阅读:4834 2022-05-16






The Project Name: Shenzhen Nanshan Coastal City Shopping Center

Site Location: Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China

Area: Approx. 100,000sm

Scope: Façade and interior public space renovation (including the renovation of the anchor stores into the main space)

Services: Concept Design, Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents Review and Limited Construction Advisory Service




想到海边,就会想到大自然中的美好景象 ,总是让人无限向往。柔软的沙滩、湛蓝的海水、永恒的波浪,感受潮汐变化的韵律。明媚的阳光照射在海面与沙滩上,璀璨光彩下海水与沙子像钻石一样闪闪发光;仿佛在呼吸的波浪声使人安静,也让人澎湃。充满人文元素的领航灯塔与海岸自然风光无限融合,捕捉令人难忘的景象。这里是人们放松、玩乐、沐浴海风的地方,更是人们享受人生、与大自然合而为一的理想场所。

Think of the seaside, will think of the beautiful scenery in nature, always let a person infinite yearning. Soft sand, deep blue water, eternal waves, feel the rhythm of the changing tides. The sun shone brightly on the sea and the sand, which sparkled like diamonds; The sound of the waves, which seem to be breathing, makes people calm and excited. Full of cultural elements of the pilot lighthouse and coastal natural scenery unlimited integration, capture unforgettable scenes. It is an ideal place for people to relax, play, bathe in the sea breeze, and enjoy life and be one with nature.


△西北入口:改造前后 Northwest Entrance: Before and After Renovation


Shenzhen, the coastal city, encompasses the nature, humanity, history, and cultural, the people of Nanshan has long been known for their enterprises and keen sense of enterprising and commerce through the history; and with confluence of such synergy, Nanshan district become known for being the home of Shenzhen High-Tech Industrial Park, which comprises some of China's largest technology companies and the establishments of well-known international companies, as well as being one of the nation's richest districts.


△项目改造前外貌 Images on Existing Conditions

海岸集团,深耕于南山区,期待以人文、文化、环境友好为目标,重新塑造海岸城购物中心。跟随南山区的快速发展的同时,也向城市的历史意义致敬。CallisonRTKL的设计团队深入探讨南山 “滨海城市” 的生活方式、以当地风光、人文历史、自然美景与滨海元素,作为设计灵感,将自然和人类的创造融入设计中,重新打造真正的 “海岸城” 购物中心。

Coastal Group, with deep root in Nanshan, with heightening goal of deploy humanistic approach, culturally sensitive, environmentally friendly, and update the Coastal City Shopping Center to not only accentuate the growth of Nanshan, but also pay homage to the city’s historical significance. CallisonRTKL’s design team journeyed deeply into Nanshan’s “Coastal Town” lifestyle, local scenery, rich history, and most importantly the nature’s beauty and elements of coastal area to be our design inspiration weaving nature and human creations into our design and casted the re-born of a true “Coastal City” Shopping Center.


△北L2广场 North L2 Plaza


We are proud to introduce: A totally upgrade and transformed “Coastal City Shopping Center” by Coastal Group and CallisonRTKL for the Coastal City of Nanshan.


Façade | Design Concept

立面 | 设计理念

‘Beacon of Celebration’



A bright shining little light that stands out among all others surrounding. Lights that became a light of Joy and Hope to all people. The architecture of the building shows humbleness and simplicity. Which gives a sense of tranquility and peace of mind from our constant busy transformation of lifestyle. Now the Beacon of Light fans out from inside through the radiant colors of Coastal City which symbolizes Hope, Energy and Celebrations for all generations.



The inspiration from the color palettes and textures that one finds along the coast, i.e. waves and ripples, sands, fog and mists, lighthouse. The inspiration got transformed into material palettes, symbols, and gestures that we used throughout the façade upgrade.


△灵感图片 Inspiration Images ©Nikola Duza ©Casey Horner ©Chris Chan ©Engin Akyurt


Design and Execution





The key material of the façade is high pressure laminated panels which is used to replace all the stone and ceramic tiles on the existing façade. The material is selected due to its environmental friendliness, low maintenance and lightweight. Since it is an existing building, the design changes made on the façade needed to comply with the existing stucture load requirement.



A mixture of sand beige and light bronze panels inspired by the colors of the different shades of sands are used. Due to the large format and crisp clean edges of the material, it produced a very clean and modern look.



△高压层压板 High Pressured Laminated Panels

‘Beacon/Light Beams’



To realize the concept of the light beacon, the south side of the façade adopted a giant light box. The material used is IGU glass with stripes that have variation of opacities and thickness printed on different surfaces of the glass to create a subtle offsetting layering effect. The glass boxes are backlit with programmable color lights that are changeable to match the themes of different festive seasons.


△西南、东南入口 Southwest、Southeast Corners



Photo of Off-Site Physical Mockup


The 3 corner entries also adopted the same light box concept. The light box with printed stripes ingeniously transition to clear vision glass by utilization of a gentle gradation.


△印刷条纹的渐变效果 Gradated Effect of the Printed Stripes


△西南入口 Southwest Entrance

建筑东北角以另外的形式来表达“灯塔”的设计概念;使用可编程低分辨率的LED 图案和磨砂玻璃的外表皮,创造出万花筒般千变万化的梦幻图案,犹如灯塔一般,以动感活泼的效果带动引导人们来访。

The “Beacons” appears on the Northeast façade as LED glass box. A programmable low-resolution LED panels screened by frosted glass to create an interesting kaleidoscope effect. This becomes a guidance light that leads people to the project.



△东入口 East Entrance


△LED玻璃灯箱实体模型 Physical Mockup of the LED Glass Box

建筑北侧的“主入口”曾经为辅助通道。考虑到其优越的位置以及高架平台上川流不息的人群,该入口于改造前已成为海岸城的主入口。为了提高他的显眼度,设计团队在视觉上对其进行了拓宽和强化——由一个门户造型点其亮眼性。门户以大型LED 显示屏为中心,入口以灯箱形式扩宽其视觉宽度。门户采用带有背光LED的穿孔金属板,如同阳光照耀到沙子时,产生的如水晶般的闪亮效果。

The “main entrance” at the north used to be a secondary access. But due to its location and the natural pedestrian flow on the elevated pedestrian deck, that entry has been used as the main entrance to the project. To make it looks more prominent, the entry is visually widened and enhanced. A portal that encased a large LED screen and the entrance were created. Perforated metal panels with backlit LED are used to create the crystal-like sparkling effects when the sunlight touches sands.




Mockup Photo of the Backlit Perforated Panels


△北L2广场 North L2 Plaza

‘Waves and Ripples’



The bridge building that spans across Wenxin Fourth Road is a highlight of the design . When incoming traffics approach the project from the south, the Coastal signature blue box appears above the road. This blue box is made of aluminum slats with various protruded thickness that creates a visual effect of undulating wave patterns.


△南桥 South Bridge


The colors are carefully selected, and multiple mockups have been done to create this iridescent color which is formulated by various shades of blues that were extracted from the Logo of The Coastal Group. The slats are backlit with programmable lights. During the day, the color shifts as light and view angle change. At night, the lights create a breathing motion which symbolizes lights shimmering on water surface.



△南立面 South Façade


Interior Renovation

室内公区 | 设计


Our design takes cues from oceanic wave inspiration and focuses on breaking the original monotonous vanilla mall into a variety of micro-community precincts. The overall color is light and elegant, and the colored glass on the dome is replaced to make the interior brighter. The elevator in the atrium is the extended coastal element, with the “big wave” as the main gesture and form. The gradient glazed glass cleverly concealed some mechanical and electrical equipment, making the design even cleaner. Meanwhile, focusing on the human-centric hospitality design, the detailed processing of design nodes, and the introduction of green plants and sculptures enhanced humanized design in the space.


*人性化设施包括宠物友好型空间、尊享休憩间、天猫线上/线下新零售体验、用于寻店和寻车的VR 导航、无感支付、以及通过循环净化空气以举办快闪派对的地下车库等。

The art amenities include pet’s social park, premium restroom lounge, online/offline shopping channel with TMall, full VR navigation for parking and shopping, touchless payment and fresh clean air circulation in all parking garages to host pop-up parties.




△西南侧入口 Southwest entrance


△海岸影城 Costal Cinema


△冰场 Ice skating rink


△B1 停车场 B1 garage


*The revenue increased 38.9% in 2021 compared to 2020, the new membership increased 60.1% with the high-end VIP members increased to 218.4%. It is proven this renovation established Coastal City as the prime destination for the shopping mall with an attitude – connecting people emotionally, culturally and socially.



#Commercial Building Design Team




Giselle has a diverse background in architectural design and master planning for retail, residential, hospitality and office sectors in the Pacific Rim and China. Her familiarity with local customs and building procedures have contributed to the successful completion of numerous high profile projects, which include Cyberport in Hong Kong, Grand Indonesia in Indonesia, W Hotel in Beijing, CRLand MixC in Hefei and Taiyuan, and COFCO Joy City in Tianjin and Chengdu.



Kaz's extensive design and planning experience includes commercial, retail, multi-family residential and mixed-use projects. He approaches each project with an insightful knowledge of the value of place and cultural heritage, while thoughtfully combining design aesthetics and practicality. He recognizes that the best design solutions come from close collaboration between the client and all members of the development team.

#Commercial Interior Design Team



作为洛杉矶环境工作室的联席主管,Kevin Horn专精商业室内设计,涉及的项目类型包括零售、娱乐和综合体项目。Kevin擅长以体验为导向的室内环境、环境图形和标识系统的概念化和设计,并且多次获得国内及国际大奖。

As a co-director of the Los Angeles Environments Studio, Kevin focuses on commercial interiors and specializes in the design of retail, entertainment, and mixed-use project types. Kevin’s expertise in the conceptualization and design of experience driven interior environments, environmental graphics and identity systems have led to the completion of many award-winning projects both domestically and internationally.



Yuwen Peng’s expertise in hospitality, entertainment, retail and mix-use design have contributed to the development of a dynamic design, construction and management career in architecture, interior design and branding. Based in CallisonRTKL’s Los Angeles office, her well rounded approach to design has contributed to the creation of numerous international award winning projects for prestigious clients.

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